Sunday, November 29, 2009

Heart Attack!!!

jz finished my 2 hours piano n theory classes. hu~ ~i was having a slight heart attack as i did not noe hw to answer many questions that sir asked...I have no one to blame but myself as i did not prepare well b4 goin to class. n indeed i was shopping n watching tv yesterday instead of practicing n doing revision. i feel so lost especially during theory class..augmented 6th??? Neapolitan 6th???diminished 7th?? totally unfamiliar with all these terms.
there's a big leap hole in my musical knowledge since i stopped my piano/ theory class for 2 years after my secondary school. well, i noe dis is not an excuse for me to comfort myself. There wont be any problem if i have managed my time wisely. so I have to work extremely hard in order to catch up with the syllabus... i should owiz bear in mind that there are only 2 options for me : take exam nxt year OR keep wasting money attending the class every week with my "unconscious mind"  : s
may God bless me ~

To do list for the next 2 weeks: piano n theory....piano n theory ....and........PIANO n THEORY

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