I have had the same repeated bad dream 3 times in one month--- I couldn't finish my BM exam paper on time :( Guess I am too anxious n pressure now though the exam is over. The exam for dis semester was extremely tough for me...I don wan to let those who love me down n I think dis is the main reason for my post-exam anxiety symptoms T T
I am truly frightened by the dream last nite.
The feeling of being abandoned is the most terrible life experience.
So PLEASE, don't ever give a promise if you cannot keep ur word.
Because once you promise, I will always keep it!
yeah!!! I'm going to watch Rapunzel in cinema again dis coming Thursday (with Honey Bee n little monster)
...so excited.
and I plan to buy a dvd so that I can watch it whenever I want.
so far my highest record (watching the same movie again n again): Chipmunk---5 times
Rapunzel??? It's definitely going to break my record ^^
I noe it sounds a bit childish n crazy. Well, this is me. I love fairly tales all the time! : )
Another great animated film released by Disney.
Tangled ( Rapunzel), this is one of the best animated movies ever and finally I updated my favorite princess list again : P
This princess is simply amazing. I burst into laugh throughout the movie because of her.
And of course, she made me cry too : ( I was so heart broken to see her sad face.
I think, jz like Flynn Rider, I fell deeply in love with her ♥
Not to forget to mention the super-cop horse in the movie, Maximus. This tough-guy cop sort of steals the show with its great determination capturing the most wanted criminal. haha...
I din't write down the essay question number for both my BI n BM examination paper....
I hope it won't affect my mark....
I was so careless T T
Arghhhhhhhhhh, I am stupid..idiot...stupid...idiot!!!
Bible clearly points out the marriage responsibilities of husbands and wives:
Ephesians 5:28-29 "So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church." Ephesians 5:22 "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord"
Some might think that this is tantamount to gender discrimination as the modern society now emphasizes on equality. But as for me, these are all wonderful and good commands from our lovely God.
Some other beautiful verses in the bible: "爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息” This song reminds me of my church in Sungai Baru Malacca. I miss 王传道 so much. I miss Tan Qi Hong...ah Keat and all the brothers and sisters there :(
p/s: ulcers everywhere in my mouth. I hope this is not hand foot mouth disease T T
Lesson of the day: NEVER go back home using penang bridge at 7+pm anymore...
It took me about 50 minutes to reach home.( in fact, I supposed to spend only 15 minutes to reach my lovely home)
~I had severe muscle cramps in my calf .
never thought that muscle cramps could be so painful T T
what to do? I cannot stop half way at the bridge and massage my leg wat : (
I had no other choice but to keep driving n "ouching" all the way home !!!
yeah, this picture was taken 5 years ago.
As time goes by, our LOVE grows stronger still.
my handsome prefect ♥
慢慢知道你不再是我的之一,你是我的唯一 ^^
开心的日子,我们一起渡过 : )
难过的,你也从不离弃我。。。You’ve always been the one I counted on
Every year that I'm with you, has been betterthan before.
I post this because today is our 5th anniversary.
We cannot predict the future, but I noe one thing for sure:
"As time goes by,
You will be dearer still ~"
Congratulations to my baby for passing and completing his first year MBBS in JNMC.
Great job as study alone in India is definitely not an easy task and it requires great perseverance and tons of hard work.
Thanks baby for not letting us down.
I am so proud of you!
I will owiz believe in you... cause you are the BEST ♥
I apologize for the post last nite....I posted that due to my emotional and mental break down after realizing n receiving so many unpleasant stuffs recently. Just ignore my post last nite...
My mood last nite n dis morning really sucks....But it turned out much better after I attended the morning service in church.
God delivered His msg and encouraged me indirectly through the speaker ♥
He asked me to be joyful, hopeful and forgetful even when I meet challenges in life...
He told me that all the trials I face now are to refine my faith..
Yes, my faith is not strong enough. that's why I keep complaining n hurting people who love me so much..
I take them for granted.. Love must be sincere and love knows no reward.
I should praise God at all times for both good and bad times. "Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling what is good." Romans 12: 9 "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;" Romans 12: 12
I saw this post from a blog..I luv some points there so I extract them n post here:
"某一天,你拨我的电话号码,语音告诉你我已经停机。答应我不可以难过,不可以失落;不可以想我,更加不要记得有这样一个我。某一天,你的手机不再频繁的响起,请不要等待,不要期盼,更加不要想找到我,只有看到这样的一个你,我才可以放心的离开。 "
"某一天,你的生活中没有了我,请记住我对你的好,我的任性,固执;我的宽容,关怀。我毫不边际的孩子话,我的疯话,傻话,伤心时候流着泪,无奈时候叹着气 说过的话。可是你要记得,我们虽然在地球的不同角落,但是我们头上顶着同一片蓝天,脚下踏着同一片绿草地,呼吸着一样的空气,或许这里能找到你的味道。"
I watched dis movie wf my da jie n her two little monsters(i noe it's a bit late : p)...it is a great movie..we are so proud of u.
"Jia You"! 阿牛! 冲啊!!!
wow, it's been ages since my last update. i promised to update my blog on 5th May, but c...hehe..wat to do, laziness never stop visiting me after my exam, n guess wat: I'M ENJOYING MY HOLIDAY TO THE FULLEST....don feel like blogging recenlty, I'm jz too lazy to type.
Holidays are awesome...(but kinda ashamed of myself as I'm jobless n keep wasting money while most of my frens take part time job)
nice food ...yummy
I am currently in Johor n Singapore now.....i will go Malacca with KMM CF next week. n wat's next???
seem like im gonna save lots of money in order to recoup my cost : (
gonna broke soon
p/s: one thing never change is: I'm still homesick even though I'am actually on vacation =.="